Call for Papers

The University of Vienna, Department for Islamic-Theological Studies, in cooperation with the University of Zagreb, Institute for Social Research, is organizing the international conference Conference on Migration, Integration and Religion in Early Childhood Education in Zagreb from 23 – 25 November 2018

We are soliciting abstracts for conference papers, which will ultimately be published as chapters in an edited volume. 

In particular, we are interested in papers that discuss the Topic "Conference on Migration, Integration and Religion in Early Childhood Education" in relation to at least one of the following aspects:



  • better consideration in terms of migration in the early childhood education 
  • new concepts for the position of the religion in the early childhood education.
  • critical discussion about the existing laws, regulations and modalities of finance regarding the position of early childhood education in the education System.




Please send proposed titles and abstracts of roughly 200 words, including a short bibliography of at least four sources, by 30 August, 2018 to:

There is no participation fee. 
The language of the conference is English.



Please remember to send us a final paper on the topic of your lecture by 17 December 2018 the latest.




-Length: about 15-20 pages/ 5000-7000 words


-Include critical apparatus, bibliography


-Please do not number the internal sections of the paper


-Please put the bio and abstract in a separate file


-Page #’s at top right


-Font Times New Roman 12


-Margins 1 inch all around


-Internet Sources need to be cited with the date retrieved





Please take note of the instructions above while writing, otherwise your contribution cannot be accepted. Thank you for your understanding.